Does Paintball Hurt? How To Make It Not Hurt

The long-awaited Sunday paintball game is finally here, and your excitement is palpable as you prepare for your very first match. Clutching your equipment tightly, you gaze at your paintball gun as if it were a newborn baby, brimming with anticipation. Just as you are about to step onto the field, a question escapes your lips, addressed to your closest teammate: “Hey, does paintball hurt?” The words hang in the air, lingering with a touch of uncertainty. But now, there’s no turning back; You’re committed to this! However, I hope you are lucky enough to find this post before you feel that first shot.

When I started playing paintball, I couldn’t help but wonder about the potential pain involved. Is paintball painful? Does paintball leave scars? When you are a beginner, every day is different as sometimes you are being hit more than others. But fear not, for I’m about to help you discover how to make paintball a journey as enjoyable and pain-free as possible. So, let’s dive in together and unravel the mystery behind the burning question: “Does paintball hurt?”

Is Paintball Dangerous?

In recent years, paintball’s popularity has skyrocketed due to the sport’s excitement and adrenaline-rush factor. Old and new players fall for the potential of this game in terms of strategy and fun. However, the million-dollar question for newcomers still is: Is paintball dangerous? Playing paintball can be an intense experience, but, generally, serious injuries are rare if players follow safety rules and play responsibly. To make things clear, paintballs are made to mark and not injure the enemy, so bleeding is uncommon. 

Although accidental incidents can occur, asking “Can paintball break fingers?” is a little too much. People, also, worry about what will happen if they get hit in the head. “Can a paintball gun knock you out?”, they ask. Even while a paintball gun isn’t likely to knock you out, it’s still important to cover both your face and head. Protective paintball gear like masks and goggles are mandatory with no exceptions. While there is a degree of risk associated with any sport, paintball is considered safe as long as specific instructions are followed.

Does Paintball Hurt?

After making things clear about the danger of this sport, we need to, also, clarify: Does paintball hurt? Actually, this question makes a lot of new as well as young players nervous. Although the short answer is “Yes, it might hurt” as it feels like a firm flick, there is a possibility that you won’t feel a thing. And if you wonder what factors affect the intensity of pain, then here you go:

  • A person’s different pain tolerance
  • The velocity of the paintball gun
  • The distance of the shot
  • The protective gear you use
  • The clothes you wear
  • The body part that gets hit

Protective gear, such as padded clothing, masks, and neck guards, substantially mitigates the impact of incoming paintballs. However, there are still people wondering “Does paintball hurt on bear skin?”. To be perfectly honest, in bare skin, the sensation can be more acute. As a result, you can finish the game with a temporary mark, such as a welt or a bruise. Furthermore, beginners ask “Where does paintball hurt the most?”. Usually, areas with less muscle and less fatty tissue, such as the abdomen and limbs, tend to hurt more. 

Does Paintball Hurt for a Girl?

Paintball is an exhilarating sport with no gender restrictions as it is played by both men and women. However, female players, often, wonder: Does paintball hurt for a girl? Well, what I talked about in the last section applies to both men and women. Pain tolerance varies from person to person, regardless of gender. In other words, some girls may find the impact of a paintball worse than others.

The most noteworthy difference between men and women appears to be about the area of the breast. That’s why investing in a chest protector can further reduce the inflicted pain. For the same purpose, you can, also, use a padded bra. Moreover, maintaining proper body posture during gameplay can make a significant difference. By keeping a low profile and using protective gear effectively, girls can avoid direct hits and minimize the chances of experiencing intense pain.

Does Paintball Leave Scars?

Some of you probably say “Ok, paintball hurts, but does paintball leave scars?”. Well, the news may not make you feel on top of the world. Paintball guns typically use compressed air or CO2 to propel paint-filled capsules called paintballs. Due to high velocity, paintballs can leave temporary discoloration on the skin in the form of bruises or welts. However, in most cases, paintball bruises are superficial and fade away within a few days, leaving no scars. 

Beginners usually ask “Do paintballs make you bleed?”. Again, it is possible for paintballs to break the skin and cause bleeding, but it’s relatively uncommon. The majority of paintball injuries involve minor bruises rather than open wounds.

How Do You Make Paintball Not Hurt?

Asking if paintball hurts is usually followed by “How do you make paintball not hurt?”. It’s only natural to ask, as the pain caused by paintballs can sometimes deter players from fully enjoying the game. With a few smart techniques and the right gear, you can minimize discomfort and maximize your fun. To begin with, proper protection and padding are necessary, so:

  • Invest in a well-fitting paintball mask that shields your face from potential injuries
  • Wear padded clothes such as a paintball jersey and pants and/ or
  • Use a paintball chest protector

Wearing multiple layers of clothing provides extra padding and can act as an effective barrier against paintballs reducing the likelihood of welts or bruises. Moreover, another smart tip that can save you some extra pain is to ask for a velocity adjustment in case you and your mates rent the equipment for a 3-hour game. Lowering the velocity can help reduce the pain of impact while still maintaining accuracy and range. Also, if you are a beginner try not to expose yourself by keeping a low profile and tucking in your elbows. 

What Not To Do in Paintball?

In paintball, it is crucial to adhere to paintball rules and not to compromise on safety. To ensure a positive experience and minimize any potential pain, there are a few “what not to do in paintball” tips to keep in mind but the most important is: Never remove your mask! There will be moments when your mask doesn’t fit well during the game or starts fogging up. In this case, it is always suggested to call yourself out and safely exit the field pointing the gun upwards. 

Always remember you play paintball for fun and putting yourself or your teammates in danger is not an option. Also, it is wise to not overshoot your opponents no matter how tempting it is. Overshooting, or shooting at opponents who are already eliminated, is just considered poor sportsmanship. Moreover, another way to make paintball not hurt is to keep your distance from enemies. Additionally, make sure they cannot ambush you easily as paintball is the perfect game for sneaky strategies.

Should I Be Scared To Go Paintballing?

If you ask the more experienced players “Should I be scared to go paintballing?” then ask yourself: Is it worth it to miss all this fun? No, it certainly doesn’t. Although paintball is a high-energy and sometimes unpredictable sport, it can be played safely if all the rules are followed. Injuries can be avoided entirely if precautions are taken and safety equipment is used.

In every new game, fear stems from the unknown. So, make sure you understand the nature of the game and its safety measures. This way you will alleviate your concerns. Also, keep in mind that paintball is not created to make people hurt or put them at risk. Paintball is a fun activity that no one should be scared to at least give it a try. As for the fear of feeling pain, I have made it quite clear that you can take a lot of precautions. This includes wearing the proper clothes and equipment and exposing your body as little as possible.

Is Paintball Safe for Kids?

As paintball is a game for almost all ages, parents who worry for their kid’s well-being ask: “Is paintball safe for kids” and “Does paintball hurt for kids?”. Even though some parents may be concerned about their children playing, young players are protected by strict guidelines. Protective equipment including masks, goggles, chest guards, and padded clothes can greatly lessen the likelihood of injury. The impact of a paintball can cause some discomfort, but usually nothing more than that.

For parents who want their kids to experience the game of paintball without the risk of injury, there is also the Low Impact Paintball. Whether your kid is underage or you are a first-timer, a major obstacle is the fear of getting hit or leaving a bruise. That’s why, Low-Impact Paintball is made to reduce the shock of being hit. The standard 68-caliber paintball used in typical paintball games is now replaced by a smaller and lighter 50-caliber version used in this variant. Because of this, Low Impact Paintball is great for beginners and children under the age of 13.


At this point, the question “Does paintball hurt?” has been thoroughly explored and debunked. You might hurt! However, this is not an excuse for not giving it a try. Give it a shot, and you’ll discover that it’s really not as painful as it seems. Pain from a paintball isn’t what will make you stop playing. As long as you follow the rules and tips about proper clothing, the risks are minimized, making it a safe option for players of all ages and genders. Additionally, learning how paintball guns work can help you better understand the game and the associated risks. 

If you’re contemplating your first paintball experience, let me reassure you; the rush you’ll get from playing is well worth the pain you might experience. Accept the risk, go beyond your barriers, and lose yourself in the high of paintball. Keep in mind that paintball bruises leave, but the fun of the game stays with you forever. Get your paintball gun ready and have some fun. Does paintball hurt? Get out on the paintball field and find out for yourself while making memories that will last a lifetime.