How To Shoot Better at Paintball | Complete Paintball Shooter’s Guide

Most first-timers at paintball want to shoot like Bradley Cooper in “American Sniper.” However, the problem lies in how to achieve that level of skill.

I realized years ago that beginners often struggle to improve their aim and shoot better at paintball, primarily because they tend to ignore the basics.

Here are some tips to help you improve your shooting skills at paintball and dominate the field.

Improve Your Aiming Techniques

Improving your shooting skills at paintball may seem easy, but ignoring the fundamentals may be the reason you always get shot first. There are three fundamental techniques in paintball, including:

  • Knowing how to hold your paintball gun
  • Maintaining the right shooting stance
  • Aiming with both eyes open

To enhance your shooting, you must keep practicing on and off the field. Keep reading to learn how to use these methods correctly. Once you understand how they work, focus on achieving a good grip, improving your balance, and committing to regular practice.

Hold and Handle a Paintball Gun Properly

Holding a paintball gun properly is essential for accuracy, control, and safety. The best way to aim a paintball gun is by knowing how to hold it:

  • Hold the paintball gun with your dominant hand.
  • Hold your gun against your shoulder.
  • Keep your elbows tucked in.
  • Your non-dominant hand should support the paintball gun. Place it on the front grip or foregrip.

It’s possible to hold and put your gun in a few different ways. However, the way I suggest is the simplest and most easy way to improve your paintball aim.

Stand With Your Feet Shoulder-Width Apart

To keep a proper stance, have both feet facing your opponents as they come at you. Additionally, you should be slightly bent to make it easier to pivot forward or backward. This will allow you to quickly come out of the bunker, shoot, and get back in. 

Moreover, when on the move, adapt a slight crouch with knees flexed. This lowers your profile, making you a trickier target. Something I used to do a lot, was to film myself playing, analyze my stance, and tweak as needed.

Aim With Both Eyes Open

This might seem counterintuitive, but trust me, it works. Aiming with both eyes open gives you a wider field of vision, allowing you to keep track of the field while focusing on your target. It takes some getting used to, but once you master it, your paintball shooting skills will drastically improve.

Tip: The back of the gun should be at the same level as your nose.

Get Closer to Your Targets – Avoid Long Shots

One major tip to help you shoot better at paintball is to get closer to your targets. Long shots are unpredictable and typically less accurate. The closer you are to your target, the higher your chances of hitting them. Plus, it adds an extra layer of excitement to the game!

Practicing Target Shooting for Better Aim – Paintball Drills

Now that you know the techniques, it’s time to implement them. Practicing target shooting is the best way to improve your aim at paintball. And I’ve got the perfect drills to help you get there.

Pull-Up Drill

This is a basic drill to get used to your gun and feel it like an extension of your body. The more you do it the more comfortable you feel with holding and aiming your paintball gun.

To perform it, stand without moving. Then, just pull up your gun, target, shoot, and put it down. Change hands to get used to shooting from both sides.

Snap Shooting Drill

The snap shooting drill will help you shoot faster with maximum accuracy.

Stand behind a barrier with your paintball gun ready. Quickly pop out, aim, and shoot your target, then pop back behind the barrier. 

This drill helps you improve your reaction time and accuracy, vital elements in paintball.

Running and Shooting Drill

Running and shooting drills are perfect for practicing your aim while on the move. Set up several targets and run from one end of the field to the other, hitting each target. 

This drill improves your aim, shooting speed, and agility, giving you an edge on the field.

Practice, Practice, Practice

The key to shooting better at paintball is practice. The more you practice, the better you’ll get. Remember, every professional was once a beginner. So, keep practicing, keep improving, and most importantly, keep having fun. Because that’s what paintball is all about.